Faculty awards and honors
External awards recognize the remarkable contributions that Virginia Tech faculty make every day.
Why pursue awards?
External awards can be vital to faculty at any stage in their careers. An important component of professional development, honorific awards can increase visibility, open doors to new communities of scholarship, forge connections, create research opportunities, and provide well-deserved acknowledgment for extraordinary contributions.
How we can help
As part of our mission to advance research at Virginia Tech, the Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science is building a program to facilitate faculty awards. We help with:
- Maintaining updated lists of available honorific awards and application requirements
- Using data analytics to strategically identify and evaluate promising opportunities
- Curating resources that may be useful to faculty
- Working as a liaison to support nominations and submissions on a case-by-case basis.
As part of the university's mission to advance honorific awards in partnership with the Virginia Tech Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Sciences, colleges/departments are responsible for:
- Help us begin the nomination process as soon as possible (we suggest at least 2-6 months prior to the submission deadline)
- Complete/review the award nomination packet materials (we can assist with templates and drafting some info)
- Writing/drafting nomination and support letters (these should come from faculty experts who know the faculty member and their work)
- Partner with ICTAS to submit the nominations (some awards require a department or society member to submit)
- Awards requiring university letters of support from the President or Provost Office require that nomination materials be completed and shared with their offices at a minimum of 3 weeks prior to the submission deadline.
Find additional information about external awards support and resources on the Faculty Affairs and the Office of Research and Innovation websites.
Recent award recognitions